It's a Spooky, Socially Distanced Halloween
by Rachel Minnie
Things are pretty scary right now, and not in a good way. Although no one is sure what trick-or-treating will look like this year, we still want to celebrate one of America’s favorite holidays. Here are our suggestions for a responsibly social-distanced Halloween celebration.
Don’t Skip the Costumes
Even if kids aren’t going trick-or-treating or attending their usual parties this year, do not skip the costumes. Dressing up as a kid on Halloween is one of those treasured childhood activities that should be maintained, even if you aren’t going anywhere. (Take a look at our wholesomely spooky girls’ and toddlers’ costume leotards in our Halloween shop!)
Share the (Candy) Love
This one takes a little planning ahead, but think about sending Halloween goodie bags to your child’s closest friends and relatives. Include a handmade card from your child along with a few pieces of candy, a pencil or two, and mail them a few days ahead of time. Your child will have fun getting into the spirit by sending the packages, and your child’s friends will love receiving them.
Modified Trick-or-Treating
This is one trick I used when my family first moved to New Hampshire only a couple days before Halloween. We knew not one soul, had no neighbors, and didn’t even know yet where people did their candy peddling in that tiny rural town. So we had my four-year-old dress up in his costume, and while he and his daddy played outside in the early evening, I “hid” candy all around the house. He went through the house, collecting the candy (all his favorites - no duds). He loved it! Even at 11 years old, he still talks about that Halloween. Happy childhood memory - nailed it.
Even if you’re not feeling totally in the Halloween spirit, don’t skip the decorations. In fact, that’s even more reason to go a little more elaborate with indoor and outdoor decorations this year. (If you’re already one of those people who goes all out on their outdoor decor, you deserve a ghoulishly heartfelt thank you from the rest of us.) Not only will it delight your kiddos, but it will inspire the neighbors as well. Instead of driving around to look at holiday lights, drive around to look at all the Halloween decorations.
Keep It Spooky, Witches
Going along with decorating, if you have the space - and, more importantly, the time and energy - make your own outdoor haunted attraction. Who said a haunted house has to be the inside of the house? Backyards can be just as chilling. Set one up and let local families know via social media. On Halloween night, allow one family at a time to go through and provide hand sanitizer and disposable masks. With all of today’s new-fangled animatronic contraptions, you can set up a seriously spooky space with no live jump scares. Add a fog machine, scary recordings, and you’ve got yourself a Halloween horror treat not just for your family, but for your friends and neighbors as well. And if you set it up but don’t get many bodies, consider it a dry run for next year’s Halloween, which we hope will be more lively. Get it? I’ll see myself out.
Photo by @adayinthelifeofcecilia