Bailey Valente is a professional makeup artist and mom to her one-year old baby, Cruz. She and her daughter live in Kauai, Hawaii, travel a lot, and document some of their life through social media. One of her superpowers is sharing quick and easy beauty tips and tricks with other moms. Check out her YouTube channel for vlogs and beauty tips and tricks!

Moms Who Rock: Bailey Valente
Takeaway Tip: Look Fresh and Awake in Five Minutes
Connect with Bailey
Mom-to-Mom Chat with Bailey
Me Time: I love uninterrupted showers and peeing alone. 😂
Mommy and Me Time: I actually spend a lot of my time with Cruz—24/7 😂. I wouldn’t have it any other way. She is my heart outside my body. We have mommy and me time daily, but some of her favorite things to do are: gymnastics, beach, play in the rain, and ANYTHING outdoors!
Daily Routine: One of the things I try to do daily is to wake up a few minutes before Cruz to give myself some time to mentally get ready so I can be my best. Sometimes that means being on my phone, drinking coffee or just listening to the 🐓chickens. Haha! We have a lot of chickens that wake us up every morning.
A Few of My Favorite Things: Some of my favorite things are coffee, lululemon (I rarely really get dressed anymore), and a good manicure.
Keeping It Real -> Toughest Thing About Motherhood: I’ve had the BEST 16 months of my life with Cruz. She is a dream. But the toughest thing to me this far would be exclusively breastfeeding. I nursed her for 15 months. It was demanding, exhausting, and rewarding. I knew I wanted to nurse her until she was ready to wean herself and that’s exactly what I did.
Also, lack of sleep. Haha. That was tough too. She didn’t sleep through the night until 15 months. The first night she slept through the whole night was the night we stopped nursing. That’s how I knew she was ready.
Keeping It Real -> The Best Thing About Motherhood: EVERYTHING! The laughs, though. The laughs are the light of my life.