Top 2018 Trends in Ballet and Gymnastic Clothing for Toddlers

It’s no secret that toddlers are very opinionated. When it comes to clothing, most toddlers have already chosen their favorite colors and have likely chosen a favorite outfit as well.
Combine the fun of gymnastics or ballet class with stylish infant gymnastics leotards and ballet outfits in bright colors that stretch and move with your toddler’s every twirl and somersault. Years ago, there were few choices in leotard colors and sleeve styles: pink or black, with a plain sleeve, either short or long. In 2018, there are a wide variety of colors and stretchable styles to choose from to make your little one feel stylish and comfortable. Plus, today’s infant gymnastics leotards are easy to care for and affordable.
What toddler doesn’t love a rainbow? Choose from a wide array of colors, perfect for mixing and matching. Whether your toddler loves pastel shades, or deep, rich primary colors, the options are endless and they’ll always have a different infant gymnastics leotard to wear to class.
Top styles for 2018 offer short sleeves, long sleeves, or camisole style, sleeveless leotards. Choose a ruffle style sleeve--a favorite for toddlers and older children as well--to add variety to your child’s wardrobe.
Whether the goal is to create a matching outfit for dance class, or to add a special touch for a dressy occasion, microfiber tights are a must-have addition to any toddler’s wardrobe. Choose from solid colors, stripes, holiday designs, or embellished with tiny pearls. There are footed styles for ballet class, as well as footless styles for gymnastics. Try one of the latest trends, a footless tight with a ruffle at the ankle.
Little ones love to twirl, so add cute ruffle dance skirts to mix-and-match with leotards. They’re great for going to and coming home from gymnastics or dance class, or to create a cute outfit for play dates and other outings.
Child experts say it is important for infant and toddler development to have the freedom of asserting their independence in safe ways. Providing a variety of infant gymnastic leotards and ballet and dance outfits, and allowing them to choose which one to wear introduces your toddler to the concept of making choices and creating their own unique style.